Monday, June 23, 2008

Smart Client Development

Smart Client Development

As a business owner, you are always looking for independent opinion on the concept of a smart client as the developers and development company, throw in terms, keywords and vague descriptions.

Here is what has to suggest

- don’t go with any drastic change without evaluating your options

- understand, evaluate and decide when you have sufficient information

- consult with experts in Microsoft smart client with experts from

- create a value metrics with clear ROI

- have a delivery plan and use the latest .Net frame work and tools

We believe that a lot of business owners make decisions based on market hype and Microsoft’s PR. You should look at the true value propositions offered by a smart client

- fast response heavy data lifting

- easy use of local device drivers and hardware

Essentially, it provides the best of both worlds – desktop and web applications.


Ranvir Singh said...

loved reading your blog....
Thanks for sharing the information....

Ranvir Singh said...

loved reading your blog....
Thanks for sharing the information....